March 15, 2017

Hijab Definition In Islam and Explanation About That

Definition of Hijab 

Definition Hijab In Islam

Definition literally hijab is cover
الحِجابُ: السِّتْرُ

And in trem, meaning of hijab as described Al-Munawi :

ومنه قيل للستر حجاب لمنعه المشاهدة ستر المطلوب أو منع من الوصول إليه كل ما: الحجاب
وأصله جسم حائل بين جسدين وقيل للبواب حاجب لمنعه من الدخول

Hijab is everything to cover up some things required to be covered or forbidden to reach it. Between the application of meaning, hijab interpreted as as-sitr (cover) . is that mean cover something so as not to look.

Abul Baqa Al-Hanafi explained too:

كل مَا يستر الْمَطْلُوب وَيمْنَع من الْوُصُول إِلَيْهِ فَهُوَ حجاب

each covering everything that is required to be covered or blocking forbidden things to grasp.

So, the terms of hijab have the large mean, as well hijab for muslimah or muslim women, every covering things required to be covered by muslimah. So hijab for muslimah not only for covering head, or hair, or for covering the top of the body section. But also hijab for muslim women is all things required to covered that called aurat, that is including body curve and the entire jewelry (entire body from feet to head) of muslim women.

The Mean of Khimar

Allah mentions Khimar in holy quran:

وَلَا يُبْدِينَ زِينَتَهُنَّ إِلَّا مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا مِنْ أَبْصَارِهِنَّ وَيَحْفَظْنَ فُرُوجَهُنَّ وَقُلْ لِلْمُؤْمِنَاتِ يَغْضُضْنَ
... وَلْيَضْرِبْنَ بِخُمُرِهِنَّ عَلَى جُيُوبِهِنَّ

and tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their headcovers over their chests.... (An-nur 31)

literally, Khimar is the cover too:

على التغطية، والمخالطةِ في سَتْر الخاء والميم والراء أصلٌ واحد يدلُّ

Kha, mim, and ra originally is one word that’s mean a cover, and the things covering the other.
And Whereas Khimar specificly, as follows:

 وجمعه أَخْمِرَةٌ وخُمْرٌ وخُمُرٌ. والخِمِرُّ وقيل: الخمار ما تغطي به المرأَة رأَْسهاوالخِمَارُ للمرأَة، وهو النَّصِيفُ،

Khimar for women that’s mean veil, khimar is covering women’s head, akhmarah for plural, or khumr, or khumur, or khimirr.
In Jalalain, the verse "And let them stuck to his chest khimars" explained the point:

أي يسترن الرؤوس وَالْأَعْنَاق وَالصُّدُور بِالْمَقَانِعِ

"That closes the heads, necks and chests-their chests with qina '(a sort of veil)".
Ibnu Kathir explains Khimar meaning:

عَلَى صُدُورِ النِّسَاءِ، لِتُوَارِيَ مَا تَحْتَهَا مِنْ صَدْرِهَا وَتَرَائِبِهَا الْمَقَانِعَ يُعْمَلُ لَهَا صَنفات ضَارِبَاتٌ :يَعْنِي

"qina '(veil) having opposite ends, which extended to her chest, to cover the chest and breasts" (Ibn Kathir's Tafsir, 6/46).

Tabari also explain the same thing:

ليسترن بذلك شعورهنّ وأعناقهن وقُرْطَهُنَّ ,على جيوبهنّ ,وهي جمع خمار

"Khumur is plural From khimars, to chests stretched them so flee Hair, Neck And their earrings" (Tafsir Tabari, 19/159).

In summary, the scholars explained that khimars are a veil That Closes The head Up to a woman's chest

Meaning of Jilbab

Meaning Hijab for Muslimah


Allah Ta'ala mentioned the term hijab in His Word:

...وَنِسَاءِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ يُدْنِينَ عَلَيْهِنَّ مِنْ جَلَابِيبِهِنَّ يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ قُلْ لِأَزْوَاجِكَ وَبَنَاتِكَ

O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments....(Al-Ahzab 59)
In language, the veil is derived from the word al jalb:

سَوْقُ الشيء من موضع إِلى آخَر :الجَلْبُ

"Al Jalb means craning/expose something from one place to another" (Lisaanul Arabic).
While hijab specifically,

ثوب أَوسَعُ من الخِمار، دون الرِّداءِ، تُغَطِّي به المرأَةُ رأْسَها وصَدْرَها؛. والجِلْبابُ. القَمِيصُ والجِلْبابُ

"The hijab (among its meaning) is the robe. And the veil that is clothing that is wider than khimars, which besides rida '. Worn by women to cover the head and chest "

Thus language. But the ulama differed in the interpretation of the meaning of 'hijab' in the Al Ahzab above. In the book Fath al-Qadir, Asy Syaukani bring you some ulama explanation about the hijab.

"Al Jauhari said the headscarf was milhafah (fabric is very wide). Some scholars say the veil is al qina '(a type of hood to cover the head and face). Some scholars say the hijab is a garment that covers the entire body of a woman. As in the hadeeth, from the hadeeth of Umm Athiyyah, that he said: 'O Messenger of Allah, among us has not had the veil'. Then he answered: "None of you should be covering her sister with her hijab '. Al Wahidi said: 'hijab commentary by scholars used to cover their faces and heads except for one eye only, in order to know they are free women so as not to be disturbed person'. Al-Hasan said: 'the veil used to cover half her face'. Qatada said: 'jilbab covered with the taut forehead, and covered with a light nose section. Although his eyes were visible, but the veil that covers the chest and the majority face ' " (Fathul Qadir, 4/350).

Ibnu Kathir says:

 ,وَسَعِيدُ بْنُ جُبَيْرٍ  ,وَعُبَيْدَةُ، وَقَتَادَةُ، وَالْحَسَنُ الْبَصْرِيُّ ,الرِّدَاءُ فَوْقَ الْخِمَارِ. قَالَهُ ابْنُ مَسْعُودٍ :وَالْجِلْبَابُ هُوَ
وَهُوَ بِمَنْزِلَةِ الْإِزَارِ الْيَوْمَ وَغَيْرُ وَاحِدٍ  ,وَعَطَاءٌ الْخُرَاسَانِيُّ ,وَإِبْرَاهِيمُ النَّخَعِيُّ

"Hijab is a rida '(shawl to cover the upper part) that is used in the above khimars. This is the opinion of Ibn Mas'ud, 'Ubaydah, Qatada, Al-Hasan Al-Basri, Sa'id bin Jubayr, Ibrahim An Nakha'i, Ata' Al-Khurasani, and in addition to them. And according to this definition, the headscarf was as izaar today "(Tafsir Ibn Kathir, 6/481).

As Sa’di Explains: 

وجوههن وصدورهن ,يغطين بها :أي ,وهن اللاتي يكن فوق الثياب من ملحفة وخمار ورداء ونحوه

From here, we find the scholars differed in the meaning of the veil. Here are some of the hijab can we conclude from the explanation of the scholars:

1.       The hijab is milhafah (fabric is very wide)
2.       The hijab is khimars or al qina ', ie the veil to cover the head to the chest
3.       The hijab is a garment that covers the entire body of a woman
4.       The hijab is cover their faces and heads except for one eye only
5.       The hijab is a cover half of a woman's face
6.       The hijab is a head cover and face except for the eyes, up to his chest
7.       The hijab is a rida '(shawl to cover the upper part) that is used in the above khimars

Setting aside the issue of whether the face including the nakedness that must be closed or not, in general, we can for the hijab into three:

Together with khimars hijab, which is a cloth that covers the head, neck, up to the woman's chest. The hijab is a cloth that is wider than khimars and worn over khimars. That is, in contrast to khimars hijab, so the scholars who interpret thus obliging Muslim women when out of the house wearing three things: tsaub (clothing), khimar and jilbab.
Together with the Muslim hijab headscarf, the entire outfit revealing, curves and women's jewelry.

Terms of Muslimah headscarves

In summary, the scholars on the hijab. We should be wise in meaning and use of hijab in accordance with the existing context and with respect blunder scholars in this regard.
Shalihah Muslim women should not only know the meaning of the hijab, khimar, and jilbab but also learn about the terms of the hijab syar'i. For example, when he learned that one meaning of the veil is "the fabric that covers the head, neck, to the chest" that does not mean she can wear the scarf limited to covering the head to the chest while her hijab tight, transparent, or still showing jewelry woman who was supposed to cover.

Then it is a must for a Muslim to learn how Muslim hijab syar'i criteria. And as already described, veils covering the whole of women's clothing from head to toe, this all should pay attention to the requirements set by law.

The terms of Muslim hijab syar'i is as follows:
"(1) Covering the entire body except that is not obligatory covered (2) No function as jewelry (3) The fabric is thick, not thin (4) The width is not tight to reveal body shape (5) Not fragrances or perfumes (6) Did not resemble the clothes man (7) Did not resemble the clothes infidel women (8) is not primarily libas syuhrah (clothes that attract the attention of people) "(Al Ikhtiyarat Fiqhiyyah Lil Al Imam Al Albani, 394).

To understand better why hijab style assortment now, let's look at the historical development of the hijab from time to time.

History Of Hijab, Jilbab, and Veil.

different hijab from time to time


Veil / Hijab / Jilbab initially is the object that results impetus sharaiat, which means that the emergence of the idea of material culture headscarf/veil / hijab is derived from God's law is clear, has been given the definition and provision of what it means, and in some measure what something that could be called Veil / hijab / veil (Qur'an Surat an - Nur (24): 31). So that people live to understand and then make it happen. In this context, the author interprets initially Veil / Hijab / Veil still limited as a technical function, means only as an object that has a function to cover body parts that are prohibited to be seen by others, to avoid immoral for those who see (Al ~ Qur 'an Surat al - Ahzab (33): 59). 

Then the function Veil / Hijab / Veil is not limited as a technical function. Because the proposition is not limited to the set, but the veil/hijab / veil and the identity of the wearer. consequently, people taking Arap Veil / Hijab / Veil Shari'a compliant has a new social identity, namely as a Muslim woman and a man respected shy and unobtrusive, so the history says. So if Veil / Hijab / Veil linked as social identity relationship with religion, then read Veil / Hijab / Veil grow again, not just technofact, and sociofact but function ideofact also be automatically attached because Veil / Hijab/hijab is part of Islam, Sharia, which is none other than Islam as an ideology for the human part of this earth.

The 7th century is the century in which the preliminary injunction headscarf/veil, in the context of the 7th century in the Arabian Peninsula, the social conditions of communities far from civilization influence of two great kingdoms, namely the Roman and Persian. (See: History of Muhammad, M Husein Haekal) It is as a result of the geomorphology and limited remote mountainous Arab and the desert, this has an impact on cultural influences that are small enough to occur, so that what is developed by the community is still in accordance with the teachings contained in the community Arab.

 Veil/hijab/veil as a result of understanding the argument of religion has not been altered by the influence of two cultural centers and in terms and conditions, are referred to herein in accordance with the argument are the veil / scarf / hijab means: cloth head coverings so that the fabric extends to the chest. It can be drawn a sense that public support for culture Veil / Hijab / Veil initially still adhere to the argument about the Veil/Hijab/Veil, and do not think to change the meaning Veil / Hijab / Veil.

Post 9-12 centuries Islam grew and spread of acculturation experiences with other cultures, for example in the east-central state development model Veil / Hijab / Veil with hijab, burqa, niqab, and mask, and then developed in the Malay archipelago, or the 19th century Veil / head scarf / hijab scarf covering the head is not full, and only ruled out. in the eastern region also grew Veil / Hijab / Veil with certain decorative motifs in accordance with the context of their environment, not limited to a plain without a motive, and so on. This illustrates that there is no progress in efforts to interpret the Veil / Hijab / Veil. Factors that certainly many, it is associated with social, cultural, environmental, and understanding of religious postulate.

it is an explanation of the definition of hijab and all that we can explain on this occasion, may be lightening for you who are looking for this article.

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